Women are not allowed to enter this golgappa shop in Gwalior! You will be surprised because

Women are not allowed to enter this golgappa shop in Gwalior!  You will be surprised because

Vijay Rathore / Gwalior. Although Golgappas are liked by people of all age groups, but a lot of craze is seen in women. There is a golgappa shop in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, where only men have rights over it. It means to say that there is a complete ban on the entry of women here. Golgappa, Pani Puri, Phuchka, Pani Batasha and many other names, this street food is available in almost every city and state of India. It is said that no other dish can be found, but Golgappa can be found anywhere and anytime in every city.

Children, old or young, everyone likes the spicy taste of Golgappas, but girls and women like it more. She is often seen enjoying Golgappa at a Golgappa stall, shop or cart. Then whether it is a restaurant or standing on a street side cart.

Not only this, the maximum crowd is seen at the Golgappa counter in marriage parties. But there is a unique shop in Gwalior where Golgappas are available only for men. The entry of women is completely banned at this shop. The operator of the shop has got this thing written with a big banner. The women who come here to eat golgappas have to return disappointed.

Golgappas are served only to men at this shop located on Kanchmeel Marg in Gwalior. They are also available only to those above 18 years of age. The owner of the shop Giriraj Singh Bhadauria told that the water used for his Golgappas is prepared with special spices. Because of this it is very pungent. Children and women cannot bear its sharpness. This is the reason why they refuse to feed Golgappas to children and women even before.


FIRST PUBLISHED : June 07, 2023, 09:52 IST

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